The amended WhatsApp terms and conditions should, according to a blog post, reflect that WhatsApp has belonged to Facebook since 2014. The merger with Facebook, and the exchange of data, justifies – among other things – that the integration with 'Facebook-systems' enables it to better combat spam. Also WhatsApp can learn so more about the habits of its users.
Connect WhatsApp account information with Facebook is helpful for WhatsApp because Facebook can better suggest friends and show more appropriate advertising.
WhatsApp clarifies end-to-end encryption
At least for the contents of chats, WhatsApp conversations will be hidden from Facebook. The established end-to-end encryption prevents this. It should also be true for third parties, advertisers or others.
In the future it should be possible for the company to contact you via WhatsApp in your contacts. WhatsApp calls, for example, should have the ability to send shipment and delivery notifications or to get information about a flight status. It has been known that WhatsApp would open its messenger for these services and chat bots.
In order to offer similar services, the change of the terms and conditions was necessary. These can be found on WhatsApp's website.
Are the new conditions of WhatsApp acceptable to you? Or you think the new rules are problematic? Will you agree with the logic of your WhatsApp account being connected with Facebook? Let us know in the comments.
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